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About Us

We are a group of critical Māori scholars, thinkers and activists across several universities and disciplines, all interested in contributing to a more intentional discussion about, and practising of Māori philosophy, such as Māori forms of thought, critique and scholarship. Without wanting to assume that there is a pure, authentic Māori self, we aim to develop a space for critical Māori forms of decolonial theory and philosophy that is creative, generative, productive, relevant and speaks to the Maori experience. Our work affirms the importance of ideas in our Maori, indigenous and relational worlds. As a group we explore decolonial/decolonizing discourses; to practice our right to think and philosophise as Māori. We see our work as connecting to and drawing on multiple other Māori traditions, texts and artefacts. We are interested in:

  • Critical questions related to Māori political aspirations and decolonial practice;

  • Epistemological questions such as how to approach the incommensurability between science and mātauranga Māori; and

  • Ontological questions such as what it means to be Māori, and how to be Māori today.

A group identifying as ‘Māori academics’ transgresses and disrupts displinary boundaries. The very idea of ‘Māori philosophy raises a challenge to (Eurocentric) philosophy. Our work is trans- and inter-disciplinary in method and theory. We hope to create a presence in the indigenous theory and philosophy space in which other ‘natives’ might wish to participate and build together.

We are interested in Māori philosophical ideas placed within an ongoing dialogue with other philosophy and traditions of thought. We see Māori philosophy as a human engagement that draws on our own knowledges but recognises our links to human thought more generally. Different modes of production operate in a post-capitalist world, and Māori philosophy as a concept raises a challenge to traditional (Western) philosophy that is (potentially, at least) transgressive. We are interested in working with Māori philosophical ideas in ways that are useful for contemporary questions. In this work there is a sense of urgency, balanced against a future-looking generational gaze. Our collective longer term goal is to contribute to expanding a dialogue, in developing a corpus of work in Māori Philosophy that transcends time and space, as well as individual contributions and careers.


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Georgina Stewart

Ko Whakarārā te maunga

ko Matauri te moana

ko Te Tāpui te marae

ko Ngāti Kura te hapū

ko Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu te iwi


Georgina is an Associate Professor in Te Kura Mātauranga School of Education, at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. Georgina’s research focuses on the intersections between knowledge, culture and education, including Māori science education, biculturalism, bilingualism and Māori and indigenous philosophies. Currently she is completing a Marsden research project to investigate the use of te reo Māori in the academy. Georgina is Co-Editor in Chief of the New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, Associate Editor of the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand (JRSNZ) and Educational Philosophy and Theory, and on the Editorial Board of Curriculum Matters.


AUT profile:

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Garrick Cooper

Ngāti Whanaunga/Ngāti Karaua, Ngāti Ranginui/Te Pirirākau

Garrick is a Senior Lecturer at Aotahi School of Māori and Indigenous Studies, at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Aotearoa. My research addresses decoloniality, though not always in a direct way.  Sometimes it is just as powerful to engage in quotidian decolonial acts where we cease arguing the legitimacy of what we bring to the table but assume its legitimacy. My work is inspired by Polynesian oral tradition/philosophy and black decolonial philosophy, particularly the work of Frantz Fanon.  I am a member of the Māori Association of Social Science and the Caribbean Philosophical Association, both since 2011.


University of Canterbury profile:


Carl Mika

Dr Carl Mika is an Associate Professor in Te Whiringa School of Educational Leadership and Policy in the Faculty of Education, University of Waikato, New Zealand. He is of the Tuhourangi and Ngati Whanaunga iwi.

He has a background in law practice, indigenous and Maori studies, and aspects of Western philosophy including Heidegger’s work and German Romanticism.

His current areas of research focus on indigenous colonial and counter-colonial, as well as philosophical research methods.

University of Waikato profile:

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Te Kawehau Hoskins

Ko Huruiki te maunga
Ko Whakapara te awa
Ko Ngāti Hau te hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Whakapara te marae

Dr Te Kawehau Hoskins is primarily engaged in qualitative social and educational research in the area of the politics and ethics of Indigene – Settler relations, and multicultural and bicultural education. In particular her research interests concern the Treaty of Waitangi in educational governance, policy and practice that includes a focus on issues connected to School – Māori Community relationships and Māori community participation.

University of Auckland profile:

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Brendan Hokowhitu

Ngāti Pukenga

Professor Brendan Hokowhitu (Ngāti Pūkenga) is the dean of Māori and Indigenous Studies at the University of Waikato. Before returning to Aotearoa in 2016 he was the dean of the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada. He has a PhD from the University of Otago, and his research interests include Indigenous critical theory, masculinity, media and sport.

University of Waikato profile:

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